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What is scoliosis ? There are various terms in the spine which confuse us. These include Kyphosis lordosis scoliosis etc. Scoliosis is not a new disease. It has been troubling mankind since eternity. The term refers to a sideways abnormal bent in the spinal bones of a person. In the modern world the written records of scoliosis dates back to as far as 3500 BC by Hippocrates.
Generally speaking scoliosis starts to manifest in the first two decades of life and then progressive changes may lead to symptoms which require the attention of a medical professional.
During the early onset of scoliosis the patient or the close contacts including the immediate family, relatives and the friends do not notice any symptoms. This is attributed to the nature of the disease as it has very silent in onset and has a slow progression. Generally patient comes to know about scoliosis when he is noticed by someone bare chested. This would include family, friends, playmates etc. However there are few clear cut scoliosis symptoms which help in the establishing the existence of scoliosis in a person.
These Include:
Now the most important question is why my child has scoliosis and what are the scoliosis causes ? To answer that kind of question we have to understand that the human body is an incredibly complex creation of nature with an incredibly complex mechanism which makes it grow during the childhood, adolescence and adulthood. This is to be noted that majority of scoliosis cases around the globe are idiopathic in nature however some can be attributed to different causes.
This also leads us to types of scoliosis causes.
There are a few risk factors which can be attributed to causing scoliosis however no one can definitely say that this person will develop scoliosis because of these risk factors.This factor includes Association with some neuromuscular disorders. scoliosis is known to run in some families and thus being born in that family entertains risk of scoliosis.There are few other reasons which involve secondary reasons for scoliosis like age related degenerative changes of spine in an elderly patient, severe osteoporosis leading to sideways collapse of spine etc.
Scoliosis Treatment of the scoliosis generally depends upon the the degree of scoliosis, the age at which patient has presented to a Spine Surgeon, and also the amount of complications the scoliosis is currently causing and is supposed to cause in near future.
However the treatment of scoliosis can be grouped into to handful of options which are Observation, Bracing & Scoliosis Surgery discussed under:
Until last Decade the treatment of scoliosis was considered as very complex major surgery which includes high risk to the spinal nerves and high chances of paralysis.However since the availability of various high end technologies in the operation theatre things have dramatically changed. one such technology is called a neuromonitoring system. This neuromonitoring system enables the doctor to real-time check the activity of nerves in the operation theatre and the chances of having a paralysis because of accidental injury to the nerve is very significantly reduced as any minor insult to the nerve is immediately reported by the neuromonitoring system. Needless to say, now this surgery has become fairly common and relatively safer than previously Decades.
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Let’s Book an Appointment and Meet the Best Spine Surgeon in Noida, Greater Noida & Agra!
Jaypee Hospital Rd, Sector 128, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201304
HA-103A Ground Floor, Hazipur, Sector 104, Noida, UP
Sanjeevani Hospital, NH-14 C Block,Gamma1, Greater Noida,UP
BONE HOSPITAL, MG Rd, Pratap Pura, Agra, UP 282001